22 May 2019 –

SZ BrandStudio Podcast

“Synthetic fuels: New perspectives for mobility” is the title of a BrandStudio Podcast published on 6 May 2019 by the Süddeutsche Zeitung. The fuel expert and Tec4Fuels Managing Director Klaus Lucka gives an outlook on how mobility with synthetic liquid fuels could make a contribution to climate protection in the future. He explains what greenhouse gas-reduced fuels can basically be made of and what advantages they have for climate protection. Their production can be climate-neutral if the raw materials used, as well as the energy and raw materials required for production, come from renewable sources. Some manufacturing processes already exist today, but some of them still have be transferred from laboratory scale to industrial processes. Such synthetic fuels can be developed in such a way that they can be used in vehicle engines, airplanes, ships and for heating and can also be mixed with petroleum-based fuels, so that no conversions of existing technical systems are necessary.

“Climate-neutral mobility is important”

Klaus Lucka pleads for a technology-open approach to the challenges for mobility and the space heating market that combating climate change entails. “For me, synthetic fuels and combustibles, in addition to electromobility and heat pumps, are an important contribution to creating the energy revolution. Both have their specific advantages: electric mobility in urban and regional transport, synthetic fuels for long distances and in freight transport. In order to meet the growing demand for mobility, other modes of transport such as public transport and rail must also be made fit for the future. The same applies to space heating, where oil heating systems with synthetic fuels and heat pumps each have their advantages for specific applications”.

If you would like to find out more about synthetic fuels, for example

  • how and where synthetic fuels can be produced in large quantities in the future,
  • which production costs are to be expected
  • and whether the existing filling station infrastructure can still be used for this purpose,

then why don’t you listen to the podcast? You can find it on the Internet under this link:


Sorry, the podcast is only available in German